Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Gift From God

Wow, where should I begin. On September 6, 2003, I met Dr. Rob Gucciardo, in Queens, NY for the first time. My wife brought me to him because she was experiencing pains in her back and neck. She had heard about him on 570AM, a Christian radio station. She didn’t want to go alone, and wanted me to accompany her. She also wanted me to see him, meet him, and see if he could do anything for me. I have to admit, I didn’t want to go, you see I myself have been going through a lot, prior to that day, and I did not want to hear anything a doctor had to say, let alone a Chiropractor.

I have been sick my entire life, going back and forth to doctors offices, and in and out of Hospitals. So I really never knew what true health felt like. Back in February of this past year, I came down with a very bad stomach virus. Within 6 months I lost 20lbs. Mind you it took me 4 years to gain 20lbs. So what was going on was drastic. I started to get anxiety attacks, panic attacks, I was very weak, and every part of my body was hurting. I would walk up a flight of steps and be out of breath. I am 30 years young, and I felt older. I saw every doctor that you can think of, all kinds of specialists, heart, lung, ENT, and gastro. I was taken to the hospital on different occasions, just because I felt as if I couldn’t breathe and I thought I was having a heart attack. I was going crazy literally. Every doctor told me that nothing was wrong, that it was all mental. I could not understand it. I became angry because I knew what my body was going through, what I was feeling, so it made me feel that I was going crazy, because the doctors said that nothing was wrong. So when my wife insisted that I try Doctor Gucciardo, I was like what was he going to tell me, “I’ll straighten your back, but your stomach and your weight, oh that is in your head.” Nope I didn’t want to hear that again.
But, September 6, 2003, truly changed my life. That visit was for my wife, but I also felt that God brought me to Dr. Gucciardo for a reason. After we left the office and I made an appointment for myself, I told my wife that there was something different about this doctor, something real good. His demeanor, his smile, it was overwhelming.

After my x-rays were done, and I shared everything that was wrong with my body, we just sat down with my wife and talked. That conversation was so awesome. I felt God orchestrating everything that evening. I couldn’t believe that God brought me to a Doctor that was compassionate and cared about all that I had been going through. A doctor that actually listened to me. It was overwhelming to sit there and know that God’s presence was in that room. One thing I will never forget that Dr. Rob told me, “God brings us through certain trials and tribulations in our lives, but all in all, if we just have faith in him, and believe in him, then he will heal us”.

Dr. Rob was true to all that he told me. He explained everything that was going to happen, and all that I may or may not feel. He gave me 100% attention and allowed me to ask as many questions, so that I would feel comfortable with all that my body has been going through. I would experience many changes, but changes that will bring me to full health. Something that I have never felt in my entire life.

It has been almost two months since that first visit, and my anxiety is no more, I do not feel like I am having any heart attacks and my breathing is not an issue any longer. I know that my body needs time to heal, but by the grace of God and the hands of Dr. Rob, I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Not only has Dr. Rob showed me what true health will be like, but he has also shown me how to smile again and not worry about anything. No matter what, we are all children of God, and he alone will heal us and bring us to happiness. I am just glad that God put Dr. Rob in my life to assist him with his plan. Not only is he my Doctor, but he is my friend. My Brother in Christ.

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