Sunday, June 14, 2009

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

It is the morning after the most historic event in our lifetime, and this is how it felt to me, it felt like Game 7 of the World Series, both teams tied at 3 games apiece. Bottom of the ninth inning and Team Obama down a bunch of runs, then the rally starts, the most significant rally in all ages, and Team Obama comes back with hits all over the country, base hits, home runs and it doesn't stop until Team Obama wins the biggest game that America has ever played. That is how I saw it last night. I watched the tallies as if it was the most important game in my lifetime, and actually it was.

For the past six months I have been on a roller coaster ride of emotions. I started out full fledged with support to Obama, then all the stories started, all the fears were brought up, could they be true, or was it just a scare tactic. Was it a way to get you away from casting a vote that will rewrite the history books. I decided that I would ride the middle train and see where it took me, I wouldn't profess my allegiance to any one party. I had to investigate which party I felt held my values and which party would make this country good again, a land of hope again.

I couldn't figure it out and allowed myself to fall prey to all the rhetoric that surrounded me, instead of just going with my heart, with my gut feeling. I prayed on it and asked God to lead me to which way he knew was the right way, but I still didn't know. But along this journey I saw things that I didn't think were what God meant when he said that we must love each other and give a hand to those that need it the most.

I listened to radio stations, that professed to be Christians, but didn't show the trueness of what a Christian is. Were they facts or mere tales, or ways to change your mind. You know it is really easy to get people to think one way if you only give them one side of the story and do not give them an opportunity to choose on their own by hearing the other side of the story. That is what I was out to accomplish, hearing both sides.

I have heard all of the tales about Obama's connections to radicals, but do you honestly think that our Government will just roll over and allow a man to radically change what has been in place for hundreds of years, and so what if he is a Muslim, what is so wrong with that. Yes after 9/11 we have looked at Muslims as lower than dirt, but what about all of those American-Muslims that pay taxes as we do and live amongst us, that have become our friends or even classmates with our children. Are we merely being hypocritical towards them. Don't they have the right to vote as well, and should we single them out for what radical Muslims have done. Is that fair? I think not.

I understand both sides, but I have my belief system, and I may not agree wholeheartedly with Obama on all of the issues, but I truly feel that the time is now to show the world that we can bring this country back to where we have their respect. We can be a power in this world, but wouldn't it be better to have less enemies and more friends. I may not have all the answers that most people seem to think that they have, but I know that I follow a God that will lead this nation to great things. A great future.

We need to show unity not only to each other but to our children. If we don't embrace the change, then what are we teaching our kids. That hatred is ok, that we do not love our fellow Americans, that this historic time is merely a fluke, that it truly doesn't matter. Of course it matters. You have kids all over this country waking up today and realizing that their dreams of one day becoming President is a reality now, it is not a dream any longer, one that Martin Luther King Jr had, rest his soul and he is truly smiling down on us from Heaven, it is reality, it is possible. We must unite as a nation and find out what is needed to get us back on track.

My friend Solomon and I spoke today and he shared this story with me:
Solomon lives in North Carolina and he was out canvassing and knocking on doors last night with his son, Juwan, who is 11 years old. It was getting pretty late and Solomon was getting tired and told his son that he couldn't see the numbers anymore on the house and they should get back to headquarters. Juwan had a look on his face of disgust and Solomon asked him what was wrong with him, and Juwan asked why were they quitting, they had more doors to knock on and they still had time to get the word out about Obama. Solomon said that this was coming from an 11 year old that knew that back at the headquarters there was candy and cookies and all treats but he understood the magnitude of what this meant for all people. So this election was not just about electing a Black man into office, it was about changing the minds of the people and bringing so much hope to all. Especially a 11 year old boy.

Today I will say that I am proud to be an American, and if someone one wants to use those words against me, then go right ahead, we as a people have stood up and professed what we want, and we were strong in doing so. Over 50 million people voted for Obama in this country.

I truly understand now the magnitude of Obama becoming our President, I truly understand what it means to all the African-Americans all over this country. I truly understand how it can change people’s thinking from negative to positive. Last night was an historic event and I am truly grateful that I am alive to experience this and that my son, will one day be able to share this story with his own kids that he was alive at the pinnacle point in American history.

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